Walking In Henry’s Footsteps: Vicksburg National Military Park

As most of you know my fascination with my 4th Great Grandfather, Henry F Frizzell, I’ll spare you the boring details. To learn more about him, please see my original post here: https://midwestmentality.com/blog/2013/07/01/henry-f-frizzell/ and in a follow-up post at this location: https://midwestmentality.com/blog/2016/02/16/henry-frizzell-has-become-a-fascination-to-me/

Which leads me to the 3rd post, this one.

We just got back in town today from visiting Mississippi. While we were there we took a trip to Vicksburg to see where Henry took part during the battle of Vicksburg. This is his most triumphant story because he was part of Forlorn Hope and due to his bravery was honored with the Medal of Honor. During this battle, Henry was shot in the head, taken prisoner, and lived to tell about it. To offer a little more insight into what Forlorn Hope was all about please watch this video:


I have visited two other battle sites in order to trace Henry’s footsteps, but Vicksburg was obviously an important one to mark off my “Henry Bucketlist” if I were going to trace his footsteps accurately. In order to verify the information I had was correct I contacted a local Park Ranger a few months ago who provided me with the following response:

We are happy to assist you with your inquiry regarding your upcoming visit to Vicksburg National Military Park. Your g-g-g-g-grandfather, Pvt. Henry F. Frizzell, was in the 6th Missouri Infantry. He is indeed listed as one of the Medal of Honor recipients as part of the “volunteer storming party,” also known as the “Forlorn Hope.” His actions occurred along the Graveyard Road area of the siege. This will begin at Tour Stop 5 along the park tour road. If you visit the park’s website, on the home page on the left side at the bottom, you will see View Park Map. This will show you the area where he would have been. We have also include some information on the 6th MO INF.


Upon arriving I spoke with another Park Ranger who gave me a little more detailed information and showed me exactly how to get to Graveyard Road where the siege took place.

IMG_0948Driving through the park I wasn’t prepared for what I would feel upon seeing all of the monuments that stand alone in a place that is so full of history. Knowing I had a personal connection to it made it feel all the more surreal. My mind was wandering off to how they survived out there, were they scared, homesick, and how far they had traveled.

Henry's 5th Great Granddaughter standing at the monument honoring the Missouri 6th Infantry.

Henry’s 5th Great Granddaughter standing at the monument honoring the Missouri 6th Infantry.

The first thing we came across was the monument that stands honoring the 6th Missouri Infantry, the unit that Henry served in during the Civil War. I felt a sense of pride to know that Henry was one of those men it was honoring.

I do wish they had names on those monuments just because I feel they were all worthy of being honored, no matter the side they were on. I’m a firm believer that we all go through things that determine our beliefs and what we’re willing to stand up and fight for.

While I will never know what caused Henry to enlist, that defining moment in his life made him walk to Pilot Knob to enlist, I do know that he was a self-proclaimed Union man as he said so himself. I’m proud of him, his bravery and more than anything…his conviction.

Henry’s 5th Great Granddaughter standing on Graveyard Road…153 years later. The siege took place behind where she is standing.


As we drove toward Graveyard Road, I began to feel a lump in my throat. What he must have been feeling that day knowing the odds of him surviving this battle were so thin. Yet, he volunteered for it knowing that. Then to actually endure the battle, see his friends killed, him being shot in the head and lastly, be taken prisoner. Yet, most of us complain about a common cold.


Henry’s story wasn’t known for many, many years until other family researchers began digging into the past. It is up to us to make sure that his story be told; he deserves that much.

Henry Frizzell was not just my 4th Great Grandfather. He was a brave, determined soldier who volunteered to lay his life on the line for what he believed in and conquered each and every difficult obstacle thrown in his direction. I am honored to be his descendant.

Even more fascinating? He and my cousin (also his 4th Great Granddaughter), SGT Amanda Pinson, were honored the same day, Memorial Day 2006. I often wonder if Amanda’s bravery stemmed from Henry and what she would think about that today. If only I could have told her all about him…

My Heroes

If you’re interested in visiting Vicksburg National Military Park to walk in Henry’s footsteps, please note you will need to stop at Tour Stop 5 and Tour Stop 10 as noted on the map below. Click the map to make it larger and/or to print. 


Posted in Frizzell, Military | 2 Comments

Pond Creek Road – A Road of Many Memories

pondcreekcopyrightWhen I was a little girl my maternal Grandfather would often take me to “the country” to visit his parents, Bufford “Bud” Nickles. Sr. and Alma (BURNIA) Nickles. They lived on Pond Creek Road.

On the drives down there he would tell me countless family stories from his years growing up there. In fact, those stories led to my love of researching our family history. It inspired me to learn as much as I could about my ancestors.

However, Pond Creek Road (Washington County, Missouri), was one of those places where a lot of history began long before myself, or even my mother, were born. It sits between Mineral Point and Bonne Terre (off Highway 47).

My 2nd Great Grandmother. Josephine “Josie” (Luster) Nickles bought property down there where she had a cabin. Her husband, John Henry Nickles, lived there for quite some time.

My Great Grandparents, Bud and Alma, built a house there. My Grandpa, their son, told me how Bud built that house and just a few days later turned around, tore it down and took it with him down and across the road and rebuilt it in a new spot. That was the house I would stay in while visiting.

It had no running water (a pump at the sink), no electricity (we used lanterns), no indoor plumbing (we used the outhouse), and no heat (we used a wood stove) nor air conditioning (that was always my least favorite part).

The fact that someone of my age (early 40’s) had the opportunity to see what life was like without those things was neat, but to get to experience it first-hand, rare. We take them for granted these days, but life was much different then. It was less complex and a lot more simple.


As my Grandpa & I were driving down Pond Creek Road yesterday (March 23, 2016) we stopped in front of this church (this picture was taken in May 2011). He used to preach there and my aunts, mom and myself sang, “Ten Thousand Years” together.

He told me something new that he hadn’t before. To the right of the church is a house where the Knight family once lived (I used to go over there to absorb their air conditioning during hot summer days & spend time with their teenage daughter, Debbie and Cathy). Right behind their house sat an old school house (it no longer stands, and wasn’t there when I was a child) where my Grandpa and his siblings attended school.

If you cross the road and go past the pond that’s where my Great Grandparents (his parents) originally built their house. Just beyond that, around a little bend in the road, is where my 2nd Great Grandmother owned her property.

222942_10150234385873055_7226813_nI have countless stories from Pond Creek Road, myself. Some nights my cousins and I would sleep outside. I remember my second cousin, Denny, used to scare us during those nights. Our Grandma would yell at him, “Dennis, don’t you be scaring her! She’s just a little girl!” and he would just laugh. He’s just has ornery today as he was then 🙂

My grandma Alma used to have a pet duck named Myrtle who was white and had the orangest beak you’ve ever seen. I’m not sure where he came from exactly, but they quickly made friends. Myrtle would follow her around like a puppy dog. I still have pictures of them together — it was really cute!

She would pick blackberries by the bucket and make all sorts of things from them. That woman knew how to cook everything…from barely anything. Her homemade biscuits were delicious! I learned a lot about how to cook just from watching her as I was growing up.

She used to walk down to the Spring and pick all kinds of things as well as fetch water. Small world that we live in, I just found out last week that one of my Girl Scouts grandpa’s now owns 80 acres on Pond Creek Road. We’ve been invited to go out there and visit some areas that are now private property so we can take a trip down memory lane. I can hardly wait!

I’m looking forward to playing in the Spring and even more so being able to obtain access to the cemetery out there. My Grandpa’s sister was born August 6, 1942 and died on August 7, 1942 and she was buried there. I don’t believe she has a marker, but it’s a small cemetery so I know we’ll at least be close enough to say we’ve visited and paid our respects.

222147_10150234385923055_872885_nMy Grandpa used to go around visiting families on our visits there. I swear they knew everyone! One of my favorite houses on Pond Creek Road was the picture you see to your left. I remember the day my Grandpa said he was going to visit them one day and I just had to go in there so I could see what it looked like. I don’t know how old it was, but I’d imagine it was built many, many years ago. It was thriving in rustic charm and yet more modern than most of the houses on the entire road.

Pond Creek Road holds a lot of memories for our family. It’s more than just a road to us though…it’s a community in itself.

Google street view of Pond Creek Road from Mineral Point, Missouri to Hwy 47:
pond creek

Google street view of Pond Creek Road to show the area where Bud & Alma used to live by Pond Creek Baptist Church.

You can click on the picture below to show it on Google maps. It will take you to a Google website so please be sure to bookmark this page so you can come back to it later. 

Pond Creek CLOSE UP

Posted in Missouri, Washington County, Missouri | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Rachel (Sutton) Burnia – Burial Place Confirmed

My maternal grandfather has reached the wise age of 83 years old. About a month ago he asked me to go with him so he could show someone where some of our ancestors are buried so that that information wouldn’t die with him.

Being our lines family historian I jumped at the chance. I have been asked by other family historians where my 2nd Great Grandmother, Rachel (nee Sutton) Burnia, was buried. I was unable to answer that question, 100%, until today.

Thanks to my Grandfather I was finally able to confirm it yesterday with my very own eyes. Not only that, but my Grandfather was able to show me where her husband, Alex Burnia, was buried along with his brother Flynn Burnia and sisters Fannie (Burnia) Bowling and Ruth (Burnia) Creagh at Leadwood Cemetery in St. Francois County, Missouri.

I’ll start with Rachel. Images posted on the internet have never been very clear to confirm that the headstone being shown was actually Rachel’s headstone. It is a rock about 16-18 inches tall, about 3″ in width and it is hand-etched (by my 1st Great Grandfather, Bufford Lee Nickles, Sr; per his son, my Grandfather) If you’re standing at the foot of her grave, the stone is leaning toward you so you’re unable to view it without getting on the ground…so I did.




As you can see I put a red distortion on the photo so you could see the BURNIA part more easily.

For official documentation I also confirmed with my Grandpa that the others buried around her are the following:

To Rachel’s immediate left (w/a marker) is Fannie (BURNIA) Bowling; Alex Burnia’s sister. 

To her immediate right (no marker) is John “Alex” Burnia (her husband)
As you’ll notice in the picture below you can see right where Alex is buried. The picture shows Fannie’s burial place, then Rachel’s and to the right of Rachel’s is Alex’s burial place (where there is an empty place, no stone).


In front of her (w/a dark rock, no engraving as a marker) is John Walter “Flynn” Burnia (Alex Burnia’s brother) 

Next to Flynn (w/a marker) is Ruth (BURNIA) Creagh


Note: Three siblings of Alex, Flynn and Ruth are all buried in Mine La Motte Cemetery in Madison County, Missouri. They are as follows:

James Henry Burnia (married Clara Anna Sales)
Martha L BURNIA Vandergriff (married George Vandergriff)
Charles Andrew Burnia (married Dolly L Stegall)

I do not know where William or James Burnia/Bernier are buried, but I suspect that they are also buried at Mine La Motte. There are a few plots with no markers around where their parents, John “Walter” Bernier/Burnia and his wife Kezziah “Kid” (RENFRO) Bernier/Burnia, are buried.

Rachel (SUTTON) Burnia’s mother, Margaret May “Maggie” Sutton is also buried in Mine La Motte cemetery.

I hope this information is helpful for anyone searching this particular line in the future.

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Ancestry DNA: My Daughter’s Results

kiddos dna

<1% Africa (North)
Primarily located in: Morocco, Western Sahara, Algeria, Libya
Also found in: Spain, Portugal, the Middle East

52% Europe West 
Primarily located in: Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein
Also found in: England, Denmark, Italy, Slovenia, Czech Republic

19% Ireland
Primarily located in: Ireland, Wales, Scotland
Also found in: France, England

17% Great Britain 
Primarily located in: England, Scotland, Wales
Also found in: Ireland, France, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Italy

6% Italy/Greece
Primarily located in: Italy, Greece
Also found in: France, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, Serbia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Austria, Croatia, Bosnia, Romania, Turkey, Slovenia, Algeria, Tunisia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo

4% Scandinavia
Primarily located in: Sweden, Norway, Denmark
Also found in: Great Britain, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, the Baltic States, Finland

1% Iberian Peninsula 
Primarily located in: Spain, Portugal
Also found in: France, Morocco, Algeria, Italy


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Ancestry DNA: My Maternal Grandfather’s Results


Pops DNA60% Great Britain
Primarily located in: England, Scotland, Wales
Also found in: Ireland, France, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Italy

37% Europe West
Primarily located in: Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein
Also found in: England, Denmark, Italy, Slovenia, Czech Republic

1% Ireland
Primarily located in: Ireland, Wales, Scotland
Also found in: France, England

<1% Italy/Greece
Primarily located in: Italy, Greece
Also found in: France, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, Serbia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Austria, Croatia, Bosnia, Romania, Turkey, Slovenia, Algeria, Tunisia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo

<1% Caucasus
Primarily located in: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey
Also found in: Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Kuwait, Palestine, Romania, Turkmenistan 

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Henry Frizzell Has Become A Fascination to Me

I’m sure most of you can tell that I took a little genealogical break during 2015. However, I didn’t let EVERYTHING go. I just didn’t post about it, until now…

The more I learned about Henry and his story, the more I needed to know. The fact that he was shot in the head, taken prisoner and lived to tell about it (Battle of Vicksburg) intrigued me. So, I ordered his military record in order to piece his timeline together. I wanted to know his life history, in detail…and in detail was what I got – 179 pages of it!

(Please note that I will not be uploading all 179 pages or even portions of it. It is just too much detail to include on this blog. However, I have pieced together a timeline on his personal page that you can use as reference, based on his service record. I have everything tucked away in a 3″ binder that I can always reference to should have you have any questions from there)

After learning about him through his service record, I decided to take it a step further. My family & I visited Chattanooga, TN last year. Henry was in the Battle of Chattanooga. I contacted a Park Ranger at the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park who provided me with fine details of how I could literally walk in Henry’s footsteps during our visit.

Here’s a copy of his email:

“Thank you for your recent inquiry about your ancestor who fought here with the 6th Missouri Infantry.
Henry Frizzell was with the 6th Missouri Infantry, which was a part of Giles Smith’s Brigade of Morgan Smith’s Division. Based on that information you can easily visit many of the areas in Chattanooga where your ancestor fought.
Your ancestor would have arrived in Chattanooga floating down the Tennessee River on pontoon boats from the north. Elements of Sherman’s men crossed the Tennessee River at the mouth of the South Chickamauga Creek and quickly built a pontoon bridge for the rest of his forces to cross. Sherman’s men then moved against the north end of Missionary Ridge and eventually attacked Confederate forces on Tunnel Hill (the northernmost end of Missionary Ridge). Based on this information, it’s actually pretty easy to find these areas and quite literally let your daughter walk in her ancestor’s footsteps.
To start, you can visit the South Chickamauga Creek Greenway. This is a trail system that the city of Chattanooga has set up for outdoor recreational use. The benefit to Civil War visitors is that the South Chickamauga Creek Greenway trail and boardwalk follows Morgan Smith’s division’s route from the river to near where they cut over to attack first Billy Goat Hill and then Tunnel Hill. So you can walk his footsteps on a relatively comfortable and well maintained trail and boardwalk.
Sherman’s men first moved into an area called Billy Goat Hill – they thought it was part of Missionary Ridge, but it wasn’t. Today Billy Goat Hill is a residential housing area. So there’s not really anywhere you can get out and walk around. After Billy Goat Hill, Sherman’s men moved into position to attack Tunnel Hill from the north. The area where the hardest fighting took place is preserved as part of our national military park in what is called the Sherman Reservation. There are at least a couple of tablets and markers on the Sherman Reservation that indicate where the 6th Missouri was located, and the Sherman Reservation is accessible by car.
Hopefully this gives you a little more information to help plan your trip. I’d also encourage you to visit the Chickamauga Battlefield – this is our main visitor center and museum for campaign for Chattanooga.
Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there’s anything I can do to help you out. I’ve attached to this email a copy of a map showing these troop positions. Also, if you’ve not done so, I’d encourage you to contact the National Archives at www.archives.gov to order copies of his service records. These documents will give you a more complete picture of his service in the Civil War.”

Near the end of the trail.

20150616_131635 20150616_131551

 When we first arrived all I could think was, “Wow, I’m about to take a very similar journey as my 4th great Grandfather. How many people can say that?” I pictured him in full gear with his weaponry preparing to battle. Was he scared? Tired? Hungry? Wondering if and when he would make it back home to Madison County, Missouri?

This man endured so much during his time in the Civil War. To think, had he not survived his ordeals, I would not be here today. So I feel it only fair that I take the time to learn about his path in life. And not just learn it, walk it – literally!

This summer my family and I will be visiting Vicksburg National Military Park. I’ve already contacted them and they gave me the information I need to walk in his path there, as well. I can hardly wait! 


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So Why Do We Study Family History?

It’s a question asked by people who don’t quite understand it and have usually never tried it. The answers are usually sorted dependent upon who you’re asking. Some study their family history for medical reasons (a quick glance at our ancestors death certificates and you can see a pattern of certain medical issues), some research it for the love of history, and some just out of curiosity.

My love of family history began when I was a little girl spending countless weekends with my Grandpa. He would tell me stories starting from when he was a child and stories that had been told for generations.  They were now being passed on to me and I listened, intently!

John Henry NicklesOne example is when my Grandpa told me about his Grandpa, my Great Great Grandfather (John Henry Nickles), and that he left for the store to buy a loaf of bread, and didn’t come home until 20 years later. Upon his arrival his wife, my Great Great Grandmother (Josephine Luster Nickles) asked him, “Where have you been?” His response, in typical Nickles fashion (notoriously known for wise-cracks…even if not the best of timing lol), “You know, it was the darndest thing. They were out of bread!

Four generations later and we still don’t know where he was for all of those years. Did he have any more children? What work did he do to support himself? What made him leave? We may never know. However, I do know where he ended up. After he left, Josie established a life for herself and bought some property. She was kind enough to offer part of that property for him to live on and she continued to live in St. Louis City where my Grandfather eventually ended up living with her. While living there, my Grandfather met my Grandmother and the rest, as they say, is history.

221883_10150234394088055_5166664_nJohn Henry later died on 14 Feb 1952 in Bonne Terre, Missouri. He’s buried in Springtown, Washington County, Missouri at New Diggins Cemetery. Two of my distant relatives (Juanita & Sue) purchased a headstone for him many years after his passing (almost 50 years later).

This is what sparked my curiosity. Where did John Henry go? That’s the question that plagued my mind for years. At 19 years old and with the help of my Grandpa, I began my research…21 years later, I’m still here, searching.

While I still haven’t found the answer, my research has led me to new discoveries. Not just of my ancestors, but of myself as well. To find some common interest or hobby between yourself and say, your Great Great Great Great Grandfather (or back even further) is like striking gold. You’ll often think, “So that’s why I like ___________

Then there are those times where you end up talking to a distant cousin who is also researching the family tree and they have pictures of an ancestor. When you see the striking similarities in facial features that match the relatives that you know today is nothing short of fascinating. Weird science!

Speaking of Science, you can now have your DNA tested to confirm your ethnicity first-hand. No more guessing, no more “I’ve heard I’m Cherokee” to linger in the back of your mind for decades. Now you can find out just who you are…and if it matches your family tree, perfect. If not, it may lead you to new discoveries. Perhaps someone in your family tree was adopted. Now a whole new world is there just waiting for you to discover it, to discover…you.

So who do think you are?


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The Birth of Alexander Andre LaChance: Bernier (Burnia) Connection


Alexander Andre BERNIER LaChance

After Louis Bernier (John Walter’s father) passed 23 Mar 1854, Rutha married Francois (Frank) Edmond LaChance 24 Dec 1863. 

It is listed in some family history records (not sure if this is done because Alexander took on the name LaChance, if all research completed is inaccurate somehow or if people have overlooked the dates involved) that Rutha and Frank had 3 children together, but it shows that Alexander Andre LaChance (https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=71756656) was born on 12 Sep 1854 (just 6 months after Louis Bernier passed away) as do various other sources.

Considering the date of Alexander’s birth and Rutha & Frank’s marriage (almost 9 years after Alexander’s birth) it is safe to say that Louis Bernier is actually Alexander’s biological father; John Walter Bernier (Burnia)’s full-blooded brother.

So I feel it’s important to note as Alexander Andre LaChance’s line may use the LaChance lineage in their family history, if there’s any interest in the actual ancestry, they are Bernier’s by blood descent. 

Rutha & Francois did have two (2) sons together: Charles Joseph LaChance (born 1864) and James Andrew LaChance (born 1865). I suspect Rutha is buried at Mine La Motte, but I have been unable to confirm this. Once I do, I’ll update that here. Rutha LaChance is listed as the medical attendant on several birth certificates in Mine La Lotte, Madison County, Missouri. She passed in 1880 in Mine La Motte, Madison County, Missouri.

If you have anything that shows differently please send it to me so I can correct this, but this far I’m confident in my assumption due to what research I have completed.

This also shows how the Bernier’s and LaChance’s are connected in Madison County, Missouri.

Below you’ll find the 1860 Census record in Madison County, Missouri that shows Louis Francis Bernier, John Walter Bernier/Burnia, Mary Ann (cited below is Mary) Bernier and Alexander Andre LaChance living together with Francois and Rutha. There is a female infant of 8 months old living in the household with no first name listed. It is known that Rutha and Francois only had sons so perhaps this is an infant daughter of Francois and previous wife that I’m not aware of yet?

Note that Louis Francis, John Walter and Mary Ann are all Louis Bernier & Ruth (Renfro) Bernier’s children.


Alexander Andre LaChance marriage and their children (if you’re curious on where to research this line from here):

  Phermona Parlee Watson LaChance (1847 – 1912)*
  Mary Ruth LaChance (1880 – 1978)*
  John Walter LaChance (1886 – 1975)*
  James Andrew LaChance (1888 – 1979)*
  Laura Melvina Lachance Adams (1891 – 1955)*
  Sylvester ‘Ves’ Lachance (1901 – 1983)*


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Nickels/Nickles in the Military

William Henderson Nickels, Jr., son of William Henderson, Sr. and Rebecca (Evans) Nickels, was born March 27, 1832 in Nickelsville, Scott Co., VA. He died March 15, 1916 in Duffield, Scott Co., VA. William was a merchant before and after the war. William enlisted as a Confederate soldier with Co. C of the 64th VA Mounted Infantry on February 19, 1863 in Washington Co., VA. He was promoted to Commissary Sergent before August 31, 1863.

William married first Elizabeth Duff. He married second Sarah Lawson. William and Elizabeth had seven children: Samuel Tipton Nickels, William Barlow Nickels, Martha “Mattie” Nickels, Nancy Elizabeth “Nannie” Nickels Parrish, Margaret Louise Nickels Horsley, Alice Nickels, and Patrick Nickels. William and Sarah had one child: John Thomas Nickels.


George Washington Nickels, Sr., son of James, Sr. and Serena (Jaynes) Nickels, was born February 1850 in Scott Co., VA. He died in Dungannnon, Scott Co., VA. George enlisted as a Confederate soldier with Co. C in the 64th VA Mounted Infantry in 1861. He served four years and is included on the 1920 Scott Co., VA pension list.

George married first Delilah “Lila” Stapleton on May 12, 1869 in Scott Co., VA. He married second Canzadia “Ada” Swain in 1905 in Scott Co., VA. He married third Mary Hammonds in 1919. George and Lila had four children: D.F.L. “Lewis” Nickels, Elizabeth Nickels Smith, James Nickels, and Virginia Nickels Steffey. George and Ada had six children: George Washington Nickels, Jr., Ella Nickels Nelms, Serena “Reney” Nickels Gibson, Elsie Nickels Gibson, Oscar Nickels, and Dolly Nickels.

Isaac Alderson Nickels, son of Walter H. and Jane (Kilgore) Nickels was born about 1836 in Nickelsville, Scott Co., VA. He died in 1893 in Bristol, Sullivan Co., TN. He served with the 37th VA Infantry during the Civil War. Isaac purchased the Exchange Hotel in Bristol, TN on February 12, 1864 for $20,000 in Confederate notes. He later renamed it the Nickels House.

Isaac married Elizabeth E. Wood on February 21, 1865. Isaac and Elizabeth had two children: Blanche Nickels Fauqua and Myrtle Nickels Gordon.


Stephen J. Nickels, son of James, Jr. and Fannie (Godsey) Nickels, was born October 14, 1839 in Nickelsville, Scott Co., VA. He died December 27, 1912 in Wood near Dungannon, Scott Co., VA. He served with the 37th VA Infantry during the Civil War.

Stephen married Lucy Ann Gray in July 1867. Stephen and Lucy had seven children: Flora Elizabeth Nickels Hobbs, Joseph T. Nickels, Laura Emogene Nickels Ramey, William Harvey Nickels, Lulia Nickels, Belle Nickels, and Earl Bays Nickels.

William Washington “Barlow” Nickels, son of Walter H. and Jane (Kilgore) Nickels, was born January 28, 1838 in Nickelsville, Scott Co., VA. He died September 12, 1909 in Gate City, Scott Co., VA. He was a merchant by trade. He served with the 25th VA Infantry during the Civil War.

Barlow married Sarah Elizabeth Richmond on October 23, 1860 in Scott Co., VA. Barlow and Sarah had four children: Robert Henderson Nickels, Patrick Henry Nickels, George Emmett Nickels, and Isaac Benton Nickels.


James Godsey “Red Jim” Nickels, son of James, Jr. and Fannie (Godsey) Nickels, was born February 1828 in Nickelsville, Scott Co., VA. He died in 1928 in Grundy, Buchanan Co., VA. Jim was a Justice of the Peace for Buchanan Co., VA. He served with the 34th Battalion VA Cavalry during the Civil War.

Jim married Nancy Vance. Jim and Nancy had nine children: Elijah Nickels, John W. Nickels, Walter Nickels, James Nickels, Napoleon Bonaparte “Bone” Nickels, Jefferson D. Nickels, Benjamin Nickels, Rush Floyd Nickels, and Frances Virginia Nickels Ratliff.

Morgan Nickels, son of Mathias and Mary (Robinson) Nickels, was born about 1844 in Smyth Co., VA. He served with the 8th VA Cavalry during the Civil War. Morgan ran an iron furnace in Smyth Co.

Morgan married Mary Ann. Morgan and Mary Ann had one known child: William Nickels.

Mathias Nickels, son of James, Sr. and Jane (Matney) Nickels, was born December 1, 1820 in Scott Co., VA. He died July 29, 1905 in Wise Co., VA. He served with the 88th Battalion VA Militia during the Civil War.

Mathias married Louisa D. Harmon on August 6, 1846 in Scott Co., VA. Mathias and Louisa had two children: William W. Nickels and James E. Nickels.

Source: https://www.clinchmountainhome.com/Nickels

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Deguire | Madison County, MO: Deguire Mountain & Post-Office

Just noting this for documentation for those researching the Deguire or Deguire dit La Rose family line in Madison County, Missouri.


Deguire Mountain

A Mountain in the western part of Polk Township, having an evelation of our hundred and ninety two feet.

Goodspeed spells the word Deguerre, but this is a mistake, for the mountain is name for Paul Deguire (1792-1875), who came to Madison County in 1800 from France.

Paul De Guire with three other families hewed the road through the wilderness to Madison County.

Theirs was the first wheeled vehicle to come over the trail.

De Guire engaged in lead mining and also was an extensive farmer.

The family’s name was originally pronounced ____ and was spelled De Guire, but today it is Americanized to ______ and written Deguire.  (Doublass I 6690671, Deguire)

Source: https://genealogytrails.com/mo/madison/localmountains.htm


Deguire Post Office

A post office in the western part of Polk Township, maintained 1891-1897 and named for Michael Deguire, grandson of Paul Deguire  (P.G., Deguire)

Source: https://genealogytrails.com/mo/madison/villagesandpostoffices.htm

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