Frizzell | Madison Co, MO: State of Missouri vs Jason Frizzell 1847

The following court records are from Madison County, Missouri filed in 1847 and filed as State of Missouri vs Jason Frizzell. Because of the date I’m going to assume this is Jason Frizzell born in 1815 (Thomas Frizzell’s son). The other names listed were Needham Frizzell, John Smith, Jr and David Johnson. I’ll transcribe what Page 2 reads below:

Jason Frizzell - Madison County, MO - 1847 - page 1Jason Frizzell - Madison County, MO - 1847 - page 2Jason Frizzell - Madison County, MO - 1847 - page 3

Page 2 Transcription:

State of Missouri
County of Madison

Be it remembered that on the 11th day of August Eighteen hundred and forty-seven, Jason Frizzel of the County of Madison and state aforesaid, Needham Frizzel and John Smith junior of said county and state, as securities came before me one of the Justices of the Peace in and for said County of Madison & State aforesaid and acknowledged themselves to owe to the State of Missouri the sum of five hundred dollars lawful money of the United States to be respectively (illegible) of their respective goods and chattels, lands and tenements of the said Jason Frizzel first above mentioned fail in performing the conditions written.

The condition of this recognizance is such that if the above bound Jason Frizzel shall personally appear at the next Circuit Court to be holden in & for said County of Madison aforesaid to do and receive what shall then and there be enforced by the said Court and in the mean time shall keep the peace and be of good behavior towards the Common wealth or State and all it’s citizens and especially towards Davis Johnson of St. Francis township in said County. Then this recognizance to be void otherwise to remain in full force and effect.

(illegible) & inscribed to before me this 11th day of August 1847
David M Fox  for Justice of the Peace

Signed by
Jason Frizzell (his X mark)
Needham Frizzel  (his X mark)
John Smith, Jr (his X mark)


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