Ancestry DNA — Off on a New Journey

This is not a solicited post, this is the real deal.

I finally made the decision to order my Ancestry DNA Plus kit. I’ve been wanting to do this since the first time I heard about it, but the cost usually deterred me — or the fact that I’ve done rather well researching my family tree.

After receiving a code to purchase one for $89.00 and finding a code for free shipping, I jumped, and ordered it today.

I’ve been researching my family tree since I was 19 – I’m now 40 years old. However, there is always the lingering curiosity that looms in the back of every genealogist/family historian’s mind — who am I? Where did my family come from? What haven’t I discovered yet?

They said the kit should arrive in 14 business days and then once I mail it back it will take 6-8 weeks to receive the results. I’m already anticipating the results and I haven’t even technically began yet.

So stay tuned, I’ll be taking you all along for the journey and giving you the first insight as to how it all plays out.

To learn more about how it works view their FAQ page here:

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